E3SMv2 Large Ensemble

Project Summary: The E3SMv2-SSP370-LE was a collaborative effort between CATALYST and the E3SM Water Cycle Group to extend the E3SMv2-LE beyond the historical era (1850 to 2014) and into the 21st Century (2015 to 2100), using the SSP370 pathway. Both the historical and SSP370 portions of this 21-member large ensemble are based on the low-resolution U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) version 2.

The E3SMv2-SSP370-LE was produced by a collaboration between the CATALYST group at NCAR and DOE researchers at the Lawrence Livermore (LLNL) and Los Alamos (LANL) National Labs. The project and the members of this collaboration were supported under the Department of Energy Office of Science Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) and Earth System Model Development (ESMD) components of the Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) Program. This work was also supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). An Energy Research Computing Allocations Process (ERCAP 2022-2023) HPC computing allocation award enabled the production of this dataset.

This project contributes to specific goals of the DOE funded CATALYST project, and more broadly to RGMA, by providing future climate simulations that allow for an evaluation of the model's forced response. An analogous large ensemble using the Community Earth System Model (CESM2) (CESM2 LENS2) is available for model intercomparison.

Model Version: E3SMv2

Resolution: Low Resolution (ne30pg2_EC30to60E2r2)

Historical: 1850-2014

Scenario: SSP370: 2015-2100


Ensemble size: 21 members


  • v2.LR.historical_YYYY with YYYY = 0101 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 0171 0181 0191 0201 0211 0221 0231 0241 0251 0261 0271 0281 0291 0301
  • v2.LR.SSP370 with YYYY = 0101 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 0171 0181 0191 0201 0211 0221 0231 0241 0251 0261 0271 0281 0291 0301

Machine: NERSC cori-knl.

Computing Resource: SSP370 portion: ERCAP 2022

Data :

  • Native data: zstash archive (NERSC HPSS: /home/c/ccsm/E3SMv2/)
  • Timeseries data available from NERSC data portal: portal.nersc.gov
  • Regridded data is available at NCAR Campaign Store (/glade/campaign/cgd/ccr/E3SMv2/)
  • Additional data may be available upon request.

CATALYST contacts:

  • John Fasullo (fasullo@ucar.edu):
  • Nan Rosenbloom (nanr@ucar.edu):
  • Gary Strand (strandwg@ucar.edu):


  • Fasullo, J., Golaz, J.-C., Caron, J., Rosenbloom, N., Meehl, G., Strand, W., Glanville, S., Stevenson, S., Molina, M., Shields, C., Zhang, C., Benedict, J., and Bartoletti, T.: An Overview of the E3SM version 2 Large Ensemble and Comparison to other E3SM and CESM Large Ensembles, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-2310, 2023.
  • Acknowledging Use of E3SMv2-LE Data

    E3SMv2-SSP370-LE data will be available for download at portal.nersc.gov. We request that you cite both the data DOI (https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-2310) as well as the dataset description paper (Fasullo et al. 2023) in work that makes use of E3SMv2-LE and E3SMv2-SSP370-LE.

    Project Diagnostics

    Project Description Diagnostics
    RO Project Diagnostics
    Ensemble of E3SMv2 Historical and SSP370 simulations