################## SETUP ################## ################ # Data Sources # ################ data_sources: # run_dir is the path to the folder you want ### all the files associated with this configuration ### to be created in run_dir: . # nb_path_root is the path to the folder that cupid will ### look for your template notebooks in. It doesn't have to ### be inside run_dir, or be specific to this project, as ### long as the notebooks are there nb_path_root: ../../nblibrary ###################### # Computation Config # ###################### computation_config: # default_kernel_name is the name of the environment that ### the notebooks in this configuration will be run in by default. ### It must already be installed on your machine. You can also ### specify a different environment than the default for any ### notebook in NOTEBOOK CONFIG default_kernel_name: cupid-analysis # log level sets the level of how verbose logging will be. # options include: debug, info, warning, error log_level: 'info' ############# NOTEBOOK CONFIG ############# ############################ # Notebooks and Parameters # ############################ # All parameters under global_params get passed to all the notebooks global_params: case_name: 'b.e30_beta02.BLT1850.ne30_t232.104' base_case_name: 'b.e23_alpha17f.BLT1850.ne30_t232.092' CESM_output_dir: /glade/campaign/cesm/development/cross-wg/diagnostic_framework/CESM_output_for_testing start_date: '0001-01-01' end_date: '0101-01-01' lc_kwargs: threads_per_worker: 1 timeseries: num_procs: 8 ts_done: [False, False] overwrite_ts: [False, False] case_name: ['b.e30_beta02.BLT1850.ne30_t232.104', 'b.e23_alpha17f.BLT1850.ne30_t232.092'] atm: vars: ['PSL'] derive_vars: [] hist_str: 'h0a' start_years: [1,1] end_years: [100,100] level: 'lev' lnd: vars: ['SOILWATER_10CM','FSH_TO_COUPLER'] derive_vars: [] hist_str: 'h0' start_years: [1,1] end_years: [100,100] level: 'lev' ocn: vars: [] derive_vars: [] hist_str: 'h.z' start_years: [1,1] end_years: [100,100] level: 'lev' ice: vars: [] derive_vars: [] hist_str: 'h' start_years: [1,1] end_years: [100,100] level: 'lev' glc: vars: [] derive_vars: [] hist_str: 'initial_hist' start_years: [1,1] end_years: [100,100] level: 'lev' rof: vars: [] derive_vars: [] hist_str: 'h0' start_years: [1,1] end_years: [100,100] level: 'lev' compute_notebooks: # This is where all the notebooks you want run and their # parameters are specified. Several examples of different # types of notebooks are provided. # The first key (here infrastructure) is the name of the # notebook from nb_path_root, minus the .ipynb infrastructure: index: parameter_groups: none: {} atm: Global_PSL_NMSE_compare_obs_lens: parameter_groups: none: regridded_output: False # it looks like output is already on f09 grid, didn't need to regrid time-series file base_regridded_output: True validation_path: '/glade/campaign/cesm/development/cross-wg/diagnostic_framework/nmse_validation/fv0.9x1.25' link_to_ADF: kernel_name: cupid-infrastructure parameter_groups: none: adf_root: ../../examples/key_metrics/ADF_output/ case_year_range: "1_100" base_case_year_range: "1_100" external_tool: tool_name: 'ADF' vars: ['PRECT', 'SST'] plotting_scripts: ["global_latlon_map", "global_latlon_vect_map"] base_regridded_output: True glc: Greenland_SMB_visual_compare_obs: parameter_groups: none: obs_path: '/glade/u/home/gunterl/obs_diagnostic_cesm/' obs_name: 'GrIS_MARv3.12_climo_1960_1999.nc' climo_nyears: 40 # rof: # global_discharge_gauge_compare_obs: # parameter_groups: # none: # analysis_name: "" # grid_name: 'f09_f09_mosart' # ROF grid name # rof_start_date: '0091-01-01' # rof_end_date: '0101-01-01' # figureSave: False # global_discharge_ocean_compare_obs: # parameter_groups: # none: # analysis_name: "" # grid_name: 'f09_f09_mosart' # ROF grid name # rof_start_date: '0091-01-01' # rof_end_date: '0101-01-01' # figureSave: False # ice: # seaice: # parameter_groups: # none: # cases: # - g.e23_a16g.GJRAv4.TL319_t232_hycom1_N75.2024.005 # - g.e23_a16g.GJRAv4.TL319_t232_zstar_N65.2024.004 # begyr1: 245 # endyr1: 305 # begyr2: 245 # endyr2: 305 # nyears: 25 lnd: Global_TerrestrialCouplingIndex_VisualCompareObs: parameter_groups: none: clmFile_h: '.h0.' fluxnet_comparison: True obsDir: '/glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/mdfowler/FLUXNET2015/' # ocn: # ocean_surface: # parameter_groups: # none: # Case: b.e23_alpha16b.BLT1850.ne30_t232.054 # savefigs: False # mom6_tools_config: # start_date: '0091-01-01' # end_date: '0101-01-01' # Fnames: # native: 'mom6.h.native.????-??.nc' # static: 'mom6.h.static.nc' # oce_cat: /glade/u/home/gmarques/libs/oce-catalogs/reference-datasets.yml ########### JUPYTER BOOK CONFIG ########### ################################## # Jupyter Book Table of Contents # ################################## book_toc: # See https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/structure/configure.html for # complete documentation of Jupyter book construction options format: jb-book # All filenames are notebook filename without the .ipynb, similar to above root: infrastructure/index # root is the notebook that will be the homepage for the book parts: # Parts group notebooks into different sections in the Jupyter book # table of contents, so you can organize different parts of your project. # Each chapter is the name of one of the notebooks that you executed # in compute_notebooks above, also without .ipynb - caption: Atmosphere chapters: - file: atm/Global_PSL_NMSE_compare_obs_lens - file: atm/link_to_ADF # - caption: Ocean # chapters: # - file: ocn/ocean_surface - caption: Land chapters: - file: lnd/Global_TerrestrialCouplingIndex_VisualCompareObs # - caption: Sea Ice # chapters: # - file: ice/seaice - caption: Land Ice chapters: - file: glc/Greenland_SMB_visual_compare_obs ##################################### # Keys for Jupyter Book _config.yml # ##################################### book_config_keys: title: CESM Key Metrics # Title of your jupyter book # Other keys can be added here, see https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/customize/config.html ### for many more options