Analysis of Surface Fields#

mom6_tools.MOM6grid returns an object with MOM6 grid data.

mom6_tools.latlon_analysis has a collection of tools used to perform spatial analysis (e.g., time averages and spatial mean).

The goal of this notebook is the following:

  1. server as an example of how to post-process CESM/MOM6 output;

  2. create time averages of surface fields;

  3. create time-series of globally-averaged surface fields;

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings, os, yaml, argparse
import pandas as pd
import dask, intake
from datetime import datetime, date
from ncar_jobqueue import NCARCluster
from dask.distributed import Client
from mom6_tools.DiagsCase import DiagsCase
from mom6_tools.m6toolbox import add_global_attrs
from mom6_tools.m6plot import xycompare, xyplot
from mom6_tools.MOM6grid import MOM6grid
from mom6_tools.surface import get_SSH, get_MLD, get_BLD

Basemap module not found. Some regional plots may not function properly
# Read in the yaml file
diag_config_yml_path = "diag_config.yml"
diag_config_yml = yaml.load(open(diag_config_yml_path,'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader)

# load avg dates
avg = diag_config_yml['Avg']

# Create the case instance
dcase = DiagsCase(diag_config_yml['Case'])
DOUT_S = dcase.get_value('DOUT_S')
if DOUT_S:
  OUTDIR = dcase.get_value('DOUT_S_ROOT')+'/ocn/hist/'
  OUTDIR = dcase.get_value('RUNDIR')+'/'

print('Output directory is:', OUTDIR)
print('Casename is:', dcase.casename)
Output directory is: /glade/scratch/gmarques/archive/g.e23_b15.GJRAv4.TL319_t232_zstar_N65.baseline.001/ocn/hist/
Casename is: g.e23_b15.GJRAv4.TL319_t232_zstar_N65.baseline.001
# The following parameters must be set accordingly

# create an empty class object
class args:

args.start_date = avg['start_date']
args.end_date = avg['end_date']
args.casename = dcase.casename
args.native = dcase.casename+diag_config_yml['Fnames']['native']
args.static = dcase.casename+diag_config_yml['Fnames']['static']
args.mld_obs = "mld-deboyer-tx2_3v2"
args.savefigs = False
args.nw = 6 # requesting 6 workers
# Parameters
test_global_param = "hello"
sname = "adf-quick-run"
subset_kwargs = {}
product = "/glade/u/home/eromashkova/codes/test-combined-diags/computed_notebooks/adf-quick-run/surface.ipynb"
if not os.path.isdir('PNG/BLD'):
  print('Creating a directory to place figures (PNG/BLD)... \n')
  os.system('mkdir -p PNG/BLD')
if not os.path.isdir('PNG/MLD'):
  print('Creating a directory to place figures (PNG/MLD)... \n')
  os.system('mkdir -p PNG/MLD')
if not os.path.isdir('ncfiles'):
  print('Creating a directory to place netcdf files (ncfiles)... \n')
  os.system('mkdir ncfiles')    
parallel = False
if args.nw > 1:
  parallel = True
  cluster = NCARCluster()
  client = Client(cluster)



Connection method: Cluster object Cluster type: dask_jobqueue.PBSCluster
Dashboard: /proxy/42880/status

Cluster Info

# load mom6 grid
grd = MOM6grid(OUTDIR+args.static)
grd_xr = MOM6grid(OUTDIR+args.static, xrformat=True)
MOM6 grid successfully loaded... 

MOM6 grid successfully loaded... 
print('Reading native dataset...')
startTime =

def preprocess(ds):
  ''' Compute montly averages and return the dataset with variables'''
  variables = ['oml','mlotst','tos','SSH', 'SSU', 'SSV', 'speed', 'time_bnds']
  for v in variables:
    if v not in ds.variables:
      ds[v] = xr.zeros_like(ds.SSH)
  return ds[variables]

ds1 = xr.open_mfdataset(OUTDIR+args.native, parallel=parallel)
ds = preprocess(ds1)

print('Time elasped: ', - startTime)
Reading native dataset...
Time elasped:  0:03:07.627037
print('Selecting data between {} and {}...'.format(args.start_date, args.end_date))
ds_sel = ds.sel(time=slice(args.start_date, args.end_date))
Selecting data between 0031-01-01 and 0062-01-01...
catalog = intake.open_catalog(diag_config_yml['oce_cat'])
mld_obs = catalog[args.mld_obs].to_dask()
# uncomment to list all datasets available

Mixed layer depth#

%matplotlib inline
get_MLD(ds,'mlotst', mld_obs, grd, args)
Computing monthly MLD climatology...
Time elasped:  0:00:10.585266

_images/55f07b3bb82049bfba209decbce64b9e308439c4176338d7908520e10a3e2de6.png _images/826325fe13530309f41aac403179b853b16e88081775b48556d177fb02495fc0.png _images/576880061b2310aadce192ddc96556037227ce160e86b0b9f470d478cdcbddda.png _images/a036fff1b795df9e2a7f134fe752fb9e8fae34a7ba843e324c48e1b47e0463ce.png _images/09a7e9de38ad7ef053b5e96f02379cee2e8cc0d1a8a7dcc888523b7135098298.png _images/c1076b2d1eac3151bf7bcd91d836f90da44e9863c4d45cd98ae2fda2d6e4ecb6.png _images/5c794fb8208f8200c65d320ebe51c185438ae72ea06e63ee9156b846f0fe07dc.png _images/deb940ea71f9d3b1fb3d3f17e4bfda727b5489db4a8355504f9688d807f2af68.png _images/e8299a14c6ac3f645becaef447eccea93c4a89a48c087f2bd65b445677fe309f.png _images/6c9fcb87e316bf312f9f1f69de7c3f68c95ea43418a6841f83cce8c08f51a5d1.png

Boundary layer depth#

get_BLD(ds, 'oml', grd, args)
Computing monthly BLD climatology...
Time elasped:  0:00:11.223883

_images/3ed7a677281e619b2fd68ad0c2cfeda59890ea5a5025f911a81da26c12e8b378.png _images/51ae8b11a4be3df49d7e2e78c72594feaff82b15bbc791b783260220b50b329d.png _images/0e54af892055bdbbeee93af9f0b0455b9c1425049d43f8a7222cdbe0f710a93c.png
# SSH (not working)
#get_SSH(ds, 'SSH', grd, args)
if parallel:
    print('\n Releasing workers...')
    client.close(); cluster.close()
 Releasing workers...