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Set 10 Description: Horizontal contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, and ANN means, zoomed in on the Greenland ice sheet

Lookup Table: Set 10 Variable Definition

RACMO2.3: near-sfc atm & precip DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
TSA     2m air temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
Q2M     2m specific humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
RH2M     2m relative humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
U10     10-m wind     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOW     atmospheric snow     plot plot plot plot plot
RAIN     atmospheric rain     plot plot plot plot plot
PBOT     atm pressure of bottom layer     plot plot plot plot plot

RACMO2.3: Fluxes
FSH     sensible heat     plot plot plot plot plot
QSOIL     ground evaporation     plot plot plot plot plot
FGR     heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt)     plot plot plot plot plot
FLDS     atmospheric longwave radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FIRE     emitted infrared (longwave) radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDS     atmospheric incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSR     reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
ASA     all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS     plot plot plot plot plot

RACMO2.3: SMB and components
QICE_FRZ     ice growth     plot plot plot plot plot
QICE_MELT     ice melt     plot plot plot plot plot
QSNOMELT     snow melt     plot plot plot plot plot
QICE     ice growth/melt     plot plot plot plot plot
TSA     2m air temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
PREC     ppt: rain+snow     plot plot plot plot plot
ASA     all-sky albedo:FSR/FSDS     plot plot plot plot plot
RNET     net radiation:fsa-fira     plot plot plot plot plot
LHEAT     latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV     plot plot plot plot plot
TOTRUNOFF     Total Liquid Runoff     plot plot plot plot plot
QOVER     surface runoff     plot plot plot plot plot
QRGWL     surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff from QSNWCPICE     plot plot plot plot plot
QRUNOFF_RAIN_TO_SNOW_CONVERSION     liquid runoff from rain-to-snow conversion when this conversion leads to immediate runoff     plot plot plot plot plot
QDRAI     sub-surface drainage     plot plot plot plot plot
QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL     liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux     plot plot plot plot plot
QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL     ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux     plot plot plot plot plot
QRUNOFF_ICE     total liquid runoff not incl correction for LULCC (ice landunits only)     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWDP     snow height     --- --- --- --- ---
FSH     sensible heat     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_TO_COUPLER     sensible heat sent to coupler     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION     SHF from conv of rain/snow atm forcing     plot plot plot plot plot
FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ     SHF from conv of ice runoff to liquid     plot plot plot plot plot
TV     vegetation temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TG     ground temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
FSA     absorbed solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSR     reflected solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FIRA     net infrared (longwave) radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FIRE     emitted infrared (longwave) radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FGR     heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt)     plot plot plot plot plot
FSM     snow melt heat flux     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OSNO     total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ)     plot plot plot plot plot
H2OSNO_ICE     total snow water equiv (SNOWICE + SNOWLIQ) over glacier units     --- --- --- --- ---
QSNOMELT     snow melt     plot plot plot plot plot
QSNOMELT_ICE     snow melt over glacier units     plot plot plot plot plot
QSNOFRZ     column-integrated snow freezing rate     plot plot plot plot plot
QSNOFRZ_ICE     column-integrated snow freezing rate (ice landunits only)     plot plot plot plot plot
QSOIL     ground evaporation     plot plot plot plot plot
QSOIL_ICE     ground evaporation over glacier units     plot plot plot plot plot
QICE_FRZ     ice growth     plot plot plot plot plot
QICE_MELT     ice melt     plot plot plot plot plot
QICE     ice growth/melt     plot plot plot plot plot
FSNO     fraction of ground covered by snow     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWDP     snow height     --- --- --- --- ---
RAIN     atmospheric rain     plot plot plot plot plot
SNOW     atmospheric snow     plot plot plot plot plot
RAIN_REPARTITIONED     atmospheric rain after repartitioning     --- --- --- --- ---
SNOW_REPARTITIONED     atmospheric snow after repartitioning     --- --- --- --- ---
P-E     PREC-ET     plot plot plot plot plot
WIND     atmospheric wind velocity magnitude     plot plot plot plot plot
FLDS     atmospheric longwave radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
FSDS     atmospheric incident solar radiation     plot plot plot plot plot
Q2M     2m specific humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
RH2M     2m relative humidity     plot plot plot plot plot
TSOI (1)     soil temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TSOI (5)     soil temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TSOI (10)     soil temperature     plot plot plot plot plot
TWS     total water storage     plot plot plot plot plot
U10     10-m wind     plot plot plot plot plot
PBOT     atm pressure of bottom layer     plot plot plot plot plot